
Current Research

The Collaborative Research Between Universitas Indonesia and Curtin University on Cytomegalovirus co-infection in HIV patients. We have discovered the role of several immune cells linked with clinical outcomes. 

I am working with a Master's Student of Biomedical Science at the Faculty of Medicine (Raisha Muhayya), Universitas Indonesia. Her work is to develop recombinant SARS-CoV-2 vaccine construction. The vaccine design used a bioinformatic approach to predict the optimal epitope for T-cell response.

The CMV research has been done in HIV patients starting ART followed to 5 years in JakCCANDO Study. Currently working with Biomedical Science UI PhD student, Isti Anindya to understand CMV role in the cognitive development in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) children (the principal investigator was Prof. Amin Subandrio).  

Work with a private company to validate qPCR kits 

journal reviewer

I have participated in a peer review in 


[1]    S. Waters, S. Lee, I. Ariyanto, S. Leary, K. Munyard, S. Gaudieri, A. Irish, R.J.N. Allcock, P. Price, Variants of HCMV UL18 Sequenced Directly from Clinical Specimens Associate with Antibody and T-Cell Responses to HCMV, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23 (2022) 12911.

[2]   S. Waters, R.J.N. Allcock, S. Lee, J. Downing, I. Ariyanto, S. Leary, K. Munyard, A. Irish, P. Price, Do variations in the HLA-E ligand encoded by UL40 distinguish individuals susceptible to HCMV disease?, Human Immunology. (2022).

[3]   I.A. Ariyanto, R. Estiasari, S. Lee, P. Price, γδ T Cell Subpopulations Associate with Recovery of Memory Function in Indonesian HIV Patients Starting Antiretroviral Therapy, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 38 (2022) 764–770.

[4]   I.A. Ariyanto, R. Estiasari, B. Karim, I.P. Wijaya, B. Bela, A. Soebandrio, P. Price, S. Lee, Which NK cell populations mark the high burden of CMV present in all HIV patients beginning ART in Indonesia?, AIDS Res. Ther. 19 (2022) 16.

[5]   I.P. Wijaya, B. Karim, M.S. Azizi, I. Ariyanto, A. Mansjoer, E. Yunihastuti, K. Harimurti, I. Alwi, S. Lee, P. Price, Cytomegalovirus may influence vascular endothelial health in Indonesian HIV-infected patients after 5 years on ART, AIDS Res. Ther. 18 (2021) 83.

[6]   S. Waters, M. Agostino, S. Lee, I. Ariyanto, N. Kresoje, S. Leary, K. Munyard, S. Gaudieri, J. Gaff, A. Irish, A.D. Keil, P. Price, R.J.N. Allcock, Sequencing Directly from Clinical Specimens Reveals Genetic Variations in HCMV-Encoded Chemokine Receptor US28 That May Influence Antibody Levels and Interactions with Human Chemokines, Microbiol Spectr. 9 (2021) e0002021.

[7]   Lukman Edwar, P. Ha, I.A. Ariyanto, R. Estiasari, R. Sitompul, S. Lee, P. Price, A TNF Block Genotype may Influence CMV Retinitis in HIV Patients without Affecting Systemic Viral Replication, Curr. HIV Res. 19 (2021) 96–99.

[8]   L. Edwar, I.A. Ariyanto, S.A. Tanudjaja, R. Sitompul, S. Lee, P. Price, Interleukin-1A may illuminate differential effects of the retinal artery caliber in HIV patients, Mol. Cell. Biomed. Sci. 5 (2021) 88.

[9]   I.A. Ariyanto, S. Lee, R. Estiasari, J. Edmands, B. Bela, A. Soebandrio, P. Price, Understanding the effects of CMV on γδ T-cell populations in HIV patients starting antiretroviral therapy, Clin. Immunol. 226 (2021) 108696.

[10]  E.A.T. Wulandari, I.P. Wijaya, B. Karim, I. Ariyanto, S.A. Tanudjaja, S. Lee, P. Price, Periodontitis and Cytomegalovirus Associate With Atherosclerosis Among HIV Patients After 5 Years on ART, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 85 (2020) 195–200.

[11]  A. Noviantari, R. Rinendyaputri, I. Ariyanto, Differentiation ability of rat‐mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and adipose tissue to neurons and glial cells, Indones. J. Biotechnol. 25 (2020) 43.

[12]  J. Gaff, F. Octaviana, P. Pillay, H.G.N. Mbenda, I.A. Ariyanto, J.A. Gan, C.L. Cherry, P. Kamerman, S.M. Laws, P. Price, TNF-Block Genotypes Influence Susceptibility to HIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy in Indonesians and South Africans, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21 (2020) 380.

[13]  J. Gaff, F. Octaviana, I. Ariyanto, C. Cherry, S.M. Laws, P. Price, Polymorphisms in CAMKK2 associate with susceptibility to sensory neuropathy in HIV patients treated without stavudine, J. Neurovirol. 25 (2019) 814–824.

[14]  L. Edwar, B. Karim, I.P. Wijaya, I. Ariyanto, S.A. Tanudjaja, R. Estiasari, R. Sitompul, P. Price, Factors Affecting the Health of Retinal Vessels in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patients Beginning Anti-Retroviral Therapy, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 35 (2019) 529–535.

[15]  I.A. Ariyanto, R. Estiasari, L. Edwar, N. Makwana, S. Lee, P. Price, Characterization of Natural Killer Cells in HIV Patients Beginning Therapy with a High Burden of Cytomegalovirus, Immunological Investigations. 48 (2019) 345–354.

[16]  S. Waters, E. Brook, S. Lee, R. Estiasari, I. Ariyanto, P. Price, HIV patients, healthy aging and transplant recipients can reveal the hidden footprints of CMV, Clin. Immunol. 187 (2018) 107–112.

[17]  J. Mountford, F. Octaviana, R. Estiasari, D.D. Setiawan, I. Ariyanto, S. Lee, J. Gaff, C. Chew, C. Jackaman, P. Kamerman, C. Cherry, P. Price, Ex-vivo expression of chemokine receptors on cells surrounding cutaneous nerves in patients with HIV-associated sensory neuropathy, AIDS. 32 (2018) 431–441.

[18]  I.A. Ariyanto, R. Estiasari, S. Waters, E.A.T. Wulandari, S. Fernandez, S. Lee, P. Price, Active and Persistent Cytomegalovirus Infections Affect T Cells in Young Adult HIV Patients Commencing Antiretroviral Therapy, Viral Immunol. 31 (2018) 472–479.

[19]  B. Karim, I.P. Wijaya, R. Rahmaniyah, I. Ariyanto, S. Waters, R. Estiasari, P. Price, Factors affecting affect cardiovascular health in Indonesian HIV patients beginning ART, AIDS Res. Ther. 14 (2017) 52.

[20]  D.M. Dmello, I. Ariyanto, R. Estiasari, S. Halstrom, J. Gaff, S. Lee, P. Price, Polymorphisms in IL10 may alter CD4 T-cell counts in Indonesian HIV patients beginning antiretroviral therapy, Hum. Immunol. 78 (2017) 387–390.

[21]  A. Nuriliani, I.A. Ariyanto, M.R. Santi, A. Mahendra, N.W.E.S. Dewi, A.L.N. Huda, N. Wijayanti, Aktivitas Sitotoksik dan Apoptosis Ekstrak Spons Spesies A Anggota Ordo Astroporida terhadap Sel HeLa (Cervical Cancer Cell Line), Biota: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati. 18 (2013) 45–53.